become a DELAFOTO brand ambassador

Are you passionate about Pet & Family photography?  Would like to be a part of Denver’s exclusive Pet Portrait team?

If YES!, we would love to hear from you! 

We are looking for positive enthusiastic people that can help promote our brand and assist with our community outreach.

what is a brand ambassador?

A brand ambassador is someone who is considering a pet portrait session and wants to help encourage others to do so as well. We are currently looking for THREE DelaFoto Brand Ambassadors! 

the role of a brand abassador

A DelaFoto Ambassador’s role is to inspire pet parents to experience Pet Portraits by sharing YOUR own DelaFoto experience during a 6 month period. You should be active on social media platforms, and you’ll be a group moderator in our VIP Facebook group. You’ll post frequently to support engaging Facebook group topics, memes, questions or sharing your images. You will answer questions to engage with followers. And you’ll appear at DelaFoto events and other local pet events, promote our community fundraisers, etc. 


  • Must be a pet parent (with well-socialized pets)

  • Comfortable with posing for studio portraits with your pet(s)

  • Excited about having the images & behind the scenes videos from our portrait session(s) publicly shared

  • Willingness to sign our model & property release (for pets)

  • Socially active online and available to actively moderate our private Facebook Group

  • Available for DelaFoto exclusively (no promotional conflicts of interest)

  • Serious Inquiries only, please

  • All DelaFoto team members are expected to communicate with kindness and respect, and conduct themselves with compassion and commitment to the pet-loving community. This includes all of their social media activities.


  • DELAFOTO Brand Ambassadors will enjoy a full studio portrait session at our Denver studio (Valued at $250)

  • Selection of 10 digital images from our session for you to share for social media content (Valued at $1000)

  • We will provide you with customized business cards

  • You will be featured on our DelaFoto Team webpage

  • You’ll enjoy community & support from our private Brand Ambassador VIP Group

  • Every client you refer to us that books AND completes an artwork purchase will earn you $100 worth of DelaFoto credit towards your art collection!

  • *The person you refer also receives $100 in credit*

space is limited

Our staff will be going through the applications and I will make the final choice. It will be based on many things including but not limited to your story, writing abilities for blogs, your synergy with our brand, your interaction in the group, your positive attitude, and social media preference.

We realize there may be many who want to join the program. There will only be 3 selected, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t space for you in the next program. Please understand and celebrate those who were selected. This program is for those who have the time to help DelaFoto’s brand. In applying you understand that we are compensating your time with my time and images.

ready to join our team?

If you are interested in this opportunity, please fill out the form below. We will follow up within the week with the next steps of the application.